Protesting UN inaction to violence in the Occupied Territories at MINURSO HQs, Tifariti, October 25, 2010 (photo: Kirby Gookin)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recent Events in The Occupied Territories of Western Sahara

      GDEIM IZIK (October - November 2010):

In October 2010, more than 20,000 Sahrawi citizens living under Moroccan military occupation in Western Sahara set up temporary “Camps of Justice” to peacefully assert their claims for independence and self-determination, and to protest against ongoing human rights abuses.  The Kingdom of Morocco responded by sending security forces to surround the camps in an effort to prohibit the entry of food, water, medicine and independent human rights observers.  Beginning October 24th, they took violent action against the unarmed protesters in an effort to disperse them.  The first casualty was Elgarhi Nayem Foidal, a 14 year old boy.  On November 8th Moroccan forces moved to destroy the camps, brutally beating the protesters and burning down the camp.   (for videos taken at this time see "Resistencia Saharaui" to right). One of the most powerful documentaries Gdeim-Izik: The Sahrawi Resistance Camp (2011) (also by Resistencia Saharaui) can be found here in English, Arabic and Spanish.
Elgarhi Nayem Foidal
State of the camp after the violent eviction realized by Morocco